Frankfurt Book Fair — October 16 – 20, 2024

English / Română

Adrian Grigore was born on July 8, 1956 in Humele, Argeș county, Romania, being the third of the six children of the priest Gheorghe and Floarea Grigore’s family.

As a child, during the summer vacations, he wandered with his friends through the legendary forests of the Teleorman river valley, which would inspire him in his later books. These old and wild forests are the ones in which Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula, the brave and famous ruler of Romanian Wallachia, organized and led in 1462 a strong resistance against a large Ottoman army.

Even since childhood, he was very fond of history and wanted to become an archaeologist. Since his father was an Orthodox priest, the communist authorities forbade him to attend the Faculty of History, which was considered to be an educational institution for the future communist party activists only.

He graduated from the Faculty of Electronics in Bucharest and, starting from 1977, worked for Romanian Seismic Network. The political persecution continued and he was forbidden to travel to USA for a training in the field of seismic equipment.

After the political changes in Romania in December 1989, he was finally able to move freely and participated in many expeditions of geophysical investigations of nuclear and mining sites, especially from the Scandinavian countries and from Canada.

However, Adrian Grigore considers that his most outstanding professional achievement is the construction and maintenance of the Seismic ARRAY in Bucovina – Romania, in collaboration with Air Force Technical Application Center (AFTAC) – Patrick Air Force Base – FL, USA. It was a good opportunity for him to travel several times to the USA, especially to Florida, where he made many friends.

Literature was and remains a wonderful world that has attracted Adrian Grigore since his childhood. His first important novel, Traga Şerpilor, is a historical one, and is inspired by the adventures of outlaws from the forests of Teleorman. It was published in 1998 and enjoyed a great appreciation in the Romanian literary world. Dragons‘Trail, the English version, will be published until the end of 2024.

Inspired by the hard life of the Romanians under the communist regime as well as by the hidden confrontation during the Cold War, he wrote the novel Alertă Maximă, which he published in 2001. The English version called Red Alert for Romania was recently published in USA.

Adrian Grigore published in 2003 the novel Ultima Iarnă (The Last Winter), that was inspired by the improper way in which the books of an important scientific library in Romania were stored. This novel was very appreciated and published in English in three editions so far.

In 2018 Adrian Grigore published the novel Cercetător între veacuri (Researcher Between the Ages), inspired by the concern of researchers to preserve properly the most important scientific and technical information of humanity.

Adrian Grigore is currently writing a novel entitled Too Young for America, which is inspired by his personal experience during the communist regime in Romania.

Adrian Grigore thanks God daily for the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.
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