Frankfurt Book Fair — October 16 – 20, 2024

The Last Winter was published in three editions so far:

– 2004, ISBN 0-595-31270-5 (Paperback)

– 2022, ISBN 978-1-956529-70-8 (Paperback) ISBN 978-1-956529-69-2 (eBook)

– 2023, ISBN: 978-1-961879-08-9 (sc) 978-1-961879-09-6 (e)

The Audiobook version can be found at the fallowing links:

The Audiobook version can be downloaded for free by those who visit the author’s website:

The book has two sets of Hollywood Treatment + Hollywood Screenplay

         Hollywood Screenplay It is registered at The Writers Guild of America

No. 2188221 from 10/25/2022

The book has a Cinematic Trailer.

The book has Book Insurance – National and International 5 years Certificate

The book has New York Times Magazine print Ad (One Fourth page) in June 18, 2023 (see below and the website: )

The book is currently on display in Toronto – Canada at The Maple Staple Bookstore at 413 Keele St., Toronto, ON M6P 2K9, who will exhibit it at his stand 2C18 at The London Book Fair on 12-14 March 2024. The author Adrian Grigore will be present at this event, and will give free autographed books to important personalities who will visit the stand 2C18

The author Adrian Grigore will also be present in L.A. Times Festival of Books, April 20-21 to sign books offered for free to personalities who will visit the Executive Book Agency stand, and The Media Reviews stand, where the books The Last Winter will be exhibited. Flyers will also be distributed to inform visitors about the book and about its author. See below a CERTIFICATE from The Media Reviews for this important literary event in LA.

The book was offered with a special dedication to His Majesty King Charles III through the administrator of His properties in Viscri -Transylvania – Romania.

King Charles III visits the Romanian village of Viscri

The book was also offered to Her Majesty Margareta, the Custodian of the Romanian Crown.

Over time, the book The Last Winter was offered with an autograph to several personalities from the Romanian and international scientific world, who appreciated it very much. I present below the list of the main personalities readers who appreciated the book.

Professor Dr. Gheorghe POPA – Honorary member of the Romanian Academy

Academician Professor Dr. Nicolae-Victor ZAMFIR – Vice-president of the Romanian Academy

Academician Professor Dr. Ioan Iovitz POPESCU – Member of the Romanian Academy

Academician Professor Dr. Dumitru MIHALACHE – Member of the Romanian Academy

Professor Dr. Marian APOSTOL – Professor of Theoretical Physics, Member of the European Academy

Professor Dr. Ion MIHAILESCU – Senior Researcher – National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR)

Professor Dr. Gheorghe MARMUREANU – Senior Researcher, former General Director of the National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP)

Prist Professor Dr. Bogdan TĂTARU CAZABAN – Scientific Researcher – Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Prist Professor Dr. Mihail SĂSĂUJAN – Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest

Professor Dr. Adrian PODOLEANU – Biomedical Optics – University of Kent

Pr. Prof. Dr. Theodor DAMIAN – Metropolitan College – New York

Professor Dr. Victoria PLAVETI – Manhattan College

Professor Dr. Raul MADARIAGA – École Normale Supérieure de Paris

Professor Dr. Remy BOSSU – Secretary General of the Euro – Med.  Seismological Center

Professor Dr. Taxiarchis Papadopoulos – University of Athens

Dr. Torild van Eck – Senior Scientist with the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)

Dr. Klaus-Peter BONJER– Senior Researcher at the Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe

Dr. Victoria OANCEA Senior Scientist at SAIC, Falls Church, VIRGINIA- USA

Dr. Lani ONCESCU – Senior Scientist, Vice President Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Calin COSMA– President Vibrometric Oy- Finlanda and Vibrometric Ltd Canada

Dr. Mihaela RIZESCU– Senior Software Developer and Seismologist – Instrumental Software Technologies Inc. Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

Dr. Ogie KURAICA – Executive Chairman- Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Edelvays SPASSOV– Sales Manager – Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Mauricio CIUDAD-REAL- President and CEO – Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Veronica VERA – Sales Office Supervisor – Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Mathias FRANKE – Vice President- Systems & Service Division -Kinemetrics Inc. Pasadena, CA, USA

Dr. Robert KEMERAIT– Senior Scientist at the Nuclear Treaty Monitoring Directorate – Air Force Technical Application Center (AFTAC) – Patrick Air Force Base- FL, USA

Dr. Frode RINGDAL – Senior Science Advisor at NORSAR

Dr. David RUSSEL – Director of Nuclear Treaty Monitoring – Air Force Technical Application Center (AFTAC) – Patrick Air Force Base- FL, USA

Dr. Bob GLINSCKI – Chief of the Data Systems- Air Force Technical Application Center (AFTAC) – Patrick Air Force Base- FL, USA

Dr. Bruce VARNUM – Defense Technical Information Center- Air Force Technical Application Center (AFTAC) – Patrick Air Force Base – FL, USA

Col. Michael SAWYER, AFTAC Vice Commander – Patrick Air Force Base – FL, USA

Col. Ralph BORDNER, AFTAC Commander – Patrik Air Force Base – FL, USA

Dr. Phillip VENANZI– Senior Scientist – AFTAC – Patrik Air Force Base – FL, USA

Dr. Dean CLAUTER– Senior Scientist – AFTAC – Patrik Air Force Base – FL, USA

Dr. Larry TAYNOR – Senior Facilities Manager at Honeywell, USA

Dr. Constantin IONESCU – General Manager – National Institute for Earth Physics – Bucharest

Dr. Mihaela POPA – Senior Scientist – National Institute for Earth Physics – Bucharest

Dr. Daniela GHICA – Senior Scientist National Institute for Earth Physics -Bucharest

Physics engineer Ştefan BULAT – National Institute for Earth Physics – Bucharest

Physics engineer Eduard COMPANIS – France.

The Last Winter – Literary Events

April 20–21, 2024: The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

The author Adrian Grigore participated at the Los Angeles Book Festival (April 19-20, 2024). His book The Last Winter was exhibited by The Media Reviews at Booth 935 – GATHERING AUTHORS /GATHERING VOLUMES in the Black Zone.

Mrs. Christy Lorenzo ensured the author’s access to the facilities in Booth 935, in order to sign books for interested visitors. The author also benefited from the professional services of Orland, the photographer. For all this, the author thanks the organizers of Booth 935. More info here.

On April 24-25, 2024, the author Adrian Grigore visited several public libraries, in Portland-OREGON and its surroundings, to which he donated The Last Winter books, with autographs, as proof of his appreciation for the work of libraries and librarians.

 The author’s philanthropic action was carried out under the motto: “The Last Winter, a book about libraries, given to all readers”

The books were accepted with joy by the library staff. More info here.

March 21, 2024: Romanian Academy event

On March 21, 2024, at 11 a.m., Mr. Academician Prof. Dr. Nicolae Victor ZamfirVice-President of the Romanian Academy, received two books translated into English: The Last Winter and Red Alert for Romania, with an autograph from the author Adrian Grigore. The event took place at the Romanian Academy and was followed by a very interesting discussion between the two about literature and scientific research. More info here.

În ziua de 21 Martie 2024, ora 11,  Domnul Academician Prof. dr. Nicolae Victor Zamfir, Vicepreședinte al Academiei Române, a primit cu autograf din partea autorului Adrian Grigore două cărți traduse în engleză: The Last Winter  și Red Alert for Romania. Evenimentul a avut loc la Academia Română și a fost urmat de o foarte interesantă discuție între cei doi despre literatură și cercetarea științifică. Mai multe aici.

March 12-14, 2024: THE LONDON BOOK FAIR:  The Last Winter launch – The Maple Staple stand 2C18

“I participated together with my wife Valerica, who holds a PhD in medieval literature, at the London Book Fair from March 12-14, 2024. My book The Last Winter was exhibited at booth number 2C18 of The Maple Staple Bookstore , and enjoyed attention, especially among students, interested in knowing as much as possible about the transitional period of Romanian society from communism to democracy. I autographed books and took many photos with the visitors.” More info here.