Frankfurt Book Fair — October 16 – 20, 2024

English / Română

Author: Adrian Grigore

ISBN: 9786067168204

Publisher: ePublishers

Year of publication: 2018

Category: Romanian literature

ISBN: 978-606-716-820-4

Cover: Leo Orman

Lecturer: Ioana Varga

The novel Cercetător intre veacuri (Researcher between the Ages) by the author Adrian Grigore was published in 2018 by ePubishers Publishing House in Bucharest and was launched on November 17, 2018, at the ePublishers stand at the GAUDEAMUS International Fair – Learning book, XXV edition, 14 – November 18, 2018, Romexpo Central Pavilion, Bucharest. The presentation of the novel to the public was made by Mrs. Gina Micloș, the Executive Director of the publishing house. Next, a series of distinguished personalities from the academic and scientific world in Romania made many special and interesting references to the book and the author. They spoke enthusiastically about the book:

Acad. Prof. Dr. Nicolae ZAMFIR – Vice-President of the Romanian Academy

Prof. Dr. Eng. Gheorghe MǍRMUREANU – Honorary Director of the National C&D Institute for Earth Physics (INCDFP).

Prof. Dr. Marian APOSTOL, Scientific Researcher gr.1 Department of Theoretical Physics of IFIN-HH, Professor of Theoretical Physics and member of the European Academy

Prof. Dr. Andrei DOROBANȚU – scientific researcher grade 1 – of the National R&D Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia HULUBEI” (IFIN- HH)

Prof. Dr. Eng. Dumitru Grigore – scientific researcher

The atmosphere was special and the Audience was select, consisting mostly of researchers, scientists, doctors etc.

Researcher between the Ages is an interweaving of the literary fiction generated by the author’s imagination and the reality in which Romanian researchers lived, both during the period of the communist dictatorship, and later, after December 1989, during the long and painful period of transition to democracy and economy market. The author wrote this book: “In memory of grandfather Marin Grigore, who fought in the trenches for the reunification of Romania Centenary”

The film of this special literary event can be watched by accessing the link:

Reviews of the novel Cercetător intre veacuri, under the signature of Professor Ioana Varga, appeared in the journal of physics researchers, CURIERUL DE FIZICA, No. 84 from May 2019, page 43 (see – Press releases), as well as in Lumina Lina (Gracious Light)Journal of Romanian spirituality and culture, (Year XXIX/ No. 2 April-June 2024, page 166), edited by The Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality in New York – USA

The author donated 20 copies of the novel to the Romanian community in New York, as well as another 20 copies to libraries in the Republic of Moldova.